e-mail Lists
e-mail ListsWe maintain two e-mail lists where PAPYRUS users can communicate with each other, and with Research Software Design. Questions, comments, suggestions and interesting or creative uses for PAPYRUS are all welcome on both lists.papyrus-l   is a forum for discussion of PAPYRUS Version 7 for DOS/Windows, and also general issues that apply to both versions of PAPYRUS. papyrus-mac-l   is our list for discussing PAPYRUS Version 8 for Macintosh. Once you have subscribed to a list, any message you send will automatically be forwarded to all other subscribers. This lets you share your questions and tips with many, many other users of PAPYRUS. We will also send announcements to the lists whenever we have news that will be of interest to our customers Both lists can be accessed either via e-mail or via a Web interface. Through this Web interface you can subscribe, unsubscribe, read old messages, change your subscription settings, etc.
You will receive an e-mail acknowledgement as soon as your subscription has been confirmed. Thereafter you can send messages to your fellow PAPYRUS users by addressing an e-mail to either  papyrus-l@ResearchSoftwareDesign.com   or   papyrus-mac-l@ResearchSoftwareDesign.com.
22 June 2004 |